Are you staying in your OWN lane?
PHEW! It has been such an eventful month over here at the Wynn home. But let’s be real, we aren’t anything if not full of twists and turns all the time….good or bad haha.
Honestly, I tell myself all the time - everything that we go through could possibly be a survival guide for someone else at some point, and that has held true many times. I’m trying to remember that very thing through this season of our life right now.
I shared in my last blog post about 2 weeks ago updating on our life a little, and how me and Justin put my childhood home up for sale after tons of remodeling. Well…’s still for sale after about 3 weeks haha. And that is really what inspired this blog post today.
Now, I have never been on the SELLING side of a home before, so this has all been such a learning curve for Justin and myself both, in MANY different ways. For some reason, I had in my mind that because we spent 7 whole months and SO SO much money in remodeling this house, it would sell so much faster than others in the area, and it wouldn’t last a week on the market. BOOOOOOYYYYY WAS I WRONG.
Talk about God humbling us in ways we didnt know we needed!! This whole process me and Justin have taken so much into our own hands instead of taking it to God (which I talked about more in my last post) even right up until now! We have been trying to hurry up this whole process of selling this house and trying to do things on OUR time that we have planned out, like paying off all of our debt ASAP for example, and it has been VERRRYYY clear that God is making us be patient in this season, for a few different reasons, and 2 I will share.
1). We have had SO many people schedule to look at the house we are selling. In my mind I was thinking “ Out of all of these people. nobody wants to buy it?” Once again we were very quickly humbled. When the thing that is motivating you, and bringing you JOY are EARTHLY things, things never really work out great, at least not for us anyways. Me & Justin were putting our everyday joy in the selling of this house. The fact that we would be debt free FINALLY. We would have more of our financial freedom back this time of year, because Masons birthday is the beginning of December, then Christmas, then our annual family vacation we normally go on with everyone in our family at the end of December, then Paxton’s birthday is January 2nd. ( So many things in such a small time frame). We would be done paying bills for 2 homes. We just overall wouldn’t have to worry about that house anymore, and THAT is where we were longing for joy at. And we were rushing this whole thing.
I remember telling Justin a few days ago something that opened my eyes, there is a lesson in EVERYTHING we go through, big or small. What if the reason it’s taking so long to sell this house and we are stuck in this bad limbo of a cycle with our finances and just LIFE, is because our joy is not in the right spot. We are running our own race instead of putting our pride aside, sitting down, and opening our eyes to what God is trying to teach us in this. To be patient. To trust him, and ultimately his timing! His plan is always far superior to ours, and why would we think this would be any different. He sees how our life would play out if that house would have sold when we wanted it to, and why would we not trust the one who holds our future? Very humbling.
2). This has been our reality in our home this past week. (The one we live in)
Looks fun, right? :(
We had a pipe bust under our house that was leading to our hot water heater. It ended up damaging all of the subfloor in about 3/4 of our house (like SOPPING wet, you can see how wet in the left image) and most of our flooring on the bottom got so wet that it started cracking when you walk on it. Thankfully Justin is a jack of all trades and can do literally everything, and got the leak fixed but the damage is still done. On top of that, insurance won’t cover any of it :) <—- very sarcastic smile haha
ALL of that I guess to say this. When our desires, and what we are focusing on isn’t Jesus, things get crazy. Life gets stressful, and we start to crumble.
The house still hasn’t sold and we are still dealing with water damage at our house. But when your joy and happiness isn’t found in WORLDLY things like those circumstances changing, life becomes so much lighter. Putting all of life’s problems in God’s hands really just gives you a peace that surpasses all understanding. Meaning, people look at the chaos of your life and don’t know how you are still walking, talking, and having joy everyday. Its because you realize there is nothing you can do to change any of it except grow your faith in God, and it brings a certain level of peace that only God brings when you trust him, and His plan, instead of trying to run your own race, and not staying in your lane.
Thanks for reading,