“Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”
October 23rd, 2023
Verse of the Day:
“Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Now, before I share what I take away from this verse today I need you to know something. I am by NO means a Bible thumping guru, There is a lot in the Bible I still struggle to understand because lets be real, they use a bunch of words we have no idea what they mean until we dig in further, Even when we start to dig in to what they mean and what they are trying to tell us, the Bible was translated from Greek many moons ago, by many different people. So truthfully I take what I have learned from different perspectives of how its received and form my own opinion about scripture. You may agree, or you may not, and that’s totally fine, it means we are human after all :) But if there is one thing we love around here its JESUS! And my goal is start sharing what I have learned about scriptures in more simple terms, something that I wish I had way back when, in hopes it reaches the right person, and helps them.
With today’s verse, I learned many different things about it that I will try to keep short, but impactful. One, it’s a verse among a prayer. The Lord’s prayer actually, and it’s the prayer that Jesus teaches when he teaches us HOW to pray.
I guess this isn’t something I really thought about until I started doing some research on what this verse meant to others, and that’s GOD’S WILL.
Now, I know that God is sovereign over all, and his will will ALWAYS be done no matter what, and I think there are 2 sides to interpreting God’s will. Some pray for every little thing, no matter how small or insignificant it might seen. Some sit back and don’t pray for much because it’s a thought process of “Well if it was His will to do this in my life, he would” and would interpret “Your will be done” as if we should sit back and just wait for God’s will to play out, and simply acknowledging that we will accept whatever it is when He chooses to reveal it, And if I’m being honest, for a long time that’s how I viewed this scripture, and just my prayer life in general. However, as I have dug more into the meaning of Gods promise of making Heaven and Earth one again, it means something totally different to me now.
I now make the assumption that Jesus’ life was the perfect representation of God’s will for us on earth.
In the book of John when we see Jesus healing the sick, fixing sight in the blind, and setting captives free, in all of that he is painting a perfect picture of what it looks like for “God’s kingdom to come, and God’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
Now we start to read that verse a little differently. It starts to sound like “God I know this is not your will for all of the brokenness, sin, pain, and heartache around us because that is not the way it is in heaven”
Ultimately God wants to use us to bring heaven to earth! We know the will of God, he has shown us that through Jesus, and that has given us a path to follow to continue doing his will on earth!
Many people have been sucked into thinking that they should just sit back and wait for the will of God to happen in their life. On a high scale, that might be true, because no one knows the way your life is going to pan out except Him, he holds it in his hands and his plan will play out no matter what. But on a macro scale, you get to pray very specifically on how you get to affect all of the people that you are going to come across in your lifetime as God is moving you through his plan.
It might sound absurd to some to pray specifically over an older lady you may come across that is about to have surgery, to pray over the doctors’ hands performing the surgery, to pray over healing for her, to pray over the nurses that take care of her after, Ya see? It’s all connected, Us praying over very specific individual parts of our lives, or those lives we come across gives us the chance to bring heaven a little bit closer to earth. No, we can never be Jesus and do it all ourselves, but the best thing we can always do is, PRAY. God hears you, and he wants to use you, you just have to submit yourself under the hand of God through prayer, and start living out the life that He has for you, all while allowing you to be a light in this world, and letting others see a little slice of heaven, through the Jesus in you <3